tzar in sultanahmet..ramazan rus kizlarindan daha mutluluk verici bir olay:)
Аватара пользователя tzar_petro Дата: 2008/09/23 20:58 Просмотры: 75 Подробная информация
Комментарий  tzar_petro | 2008/09/23 23:37
if you could learn how to look with other eyes to our only smile with mercy to them who thinks they r winners in this choice....sometimes to lose is best choice in the world which is becoming all ordinary and dirty...yes this world best option is to give up
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Сообщения: 486
Фото: 2639
Регистрация: 17 мар 2006
Откуда: new life ! it s my past life!its my happy life



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